
Johnson & Johnson talc based products primarily used in feminine hygiene material and makeup, have been linked to both ovarian and lung cancer due to asbestos content

Are common talcum-powder products a leading cause of cancer? Over 1,200 current and former lawsuits would argue that the talcum-powder, also known as talc, products are doing just that, causing cancer. Among the lawsuits are allegations that a common talc product producer, Johnson & Johnson, had knowledge of their talcum-powder products’ potential cancer risks, yet chose not to give their customers any cautionary warning.

Talcum-powder is regularly used in the production of various feminine hygiene products, including but not limited to sanitary napkins, powders, makeups, shampoos, lotions, lipsticks, deodorants, face masks, shower products, and eye shadow. According to the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, “Some talc may contain the known carcinogen asbestos, therefore it should be avoided in powders and other personal care products, unless it is known to be asbestos-free.” Johnson & Johnson’s Shower to Shower is recognized as one of the most popular talcum-powder based products. Also, the Cancer Prevention Research journals cite an increase of the association of genital powder use and epithelial ovarian cancer.

Since the use of talc products has been linked to lung cancer, various respiratory diseases and ovarian cancer many foreign nations have been taking the necessary steps towards barring health threatening talc cosmetic products. For instance, Canada has put in place strict regulations on talc use in baby products and the European Union has gone as far as banning the use of talc in cosmetic products all together. Currently, the United States has no such regulations or a ban of talc products.

Gloria Ristesund of Sioux Falls, SD was diagnosed in 2011 with cancer after continuous use of Johnson & Johnson feminine products that contained talc for over a 40-year span. In May of 2016, a St. Louis jury awarded her $55 million after talc was found in her ovarian tissue following her hysterectomy.

Jacqueline Fox of Birmingham, AL, used Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder and Johnson & Johnson’s Shower to Shower for over 35 years. She was diagnosed with ovarian cancer in 2013 and died in 2015 at the age of 62 before her case was able to get to trial. A St. Louis jury awarded her family $72 million in February of 2016.

If you or a loved one has used a talcum-powder product and as a result are or have experienced negative or unwanted outcomes contact the Naumes Law Group for a free consultation at 844-826-8445 or online at

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